Community Input Survey Results



In May and June, the Friends of Joey’s Park Community Input sub-committee conducted a survey to better understand how community members use the park and to gather suggestions for new park design. The results cast an interesting light on the unique aspects of Joey’s Park and why it is so well loved. The following are some highlights from the survey.

Joey’s Park is more than a school playground

Although Joey’s Park occupies a parcel next to the Winn Brook elementary school and we actively petitioned Winn Brook families for responses, the majority (54%) of respondents to the survey have children attending a school other than Winn Brook. Many from around Belmont know Joey’s Park from youth soccer games, play dates, and other events.

Joey’s Park is an important part of recreational life in town

Fully 80% of respondents rated the playground as an “important” or “very important” part of their recreational life, with only 3% responding that it was not important to them. Along these lines, two thirds of respondents use the park at least once a week, with one in six using it daily.

The design of Joey’s Park is special

When asked what they like most about the park, 40% of respondents cited its unique design, while another 20% mentioned the variety of activities, and nearly as many more said that it sparked creative play. The natural look of the park was also highly rated (despite years of wear and tear).

There is room for improvement

Despite the generally positive feelings, there are opportunities for a new design to improve on the current park. Chief among the concerns were safety issues: nearly a quarter of respondents were concerned about lack of visibility and overall structure design. Another 14% felt that the park is not well suited to younger children, while 14% cited splinters from the wooden structure as an issue. Lack of shade, lack of benches and tables, and other missing amenities were also issues for respondents.

The verdict

Joey’s Park has become a cherished fixture in the community, so it is not surprising that many respondents asked us to preserve the existing feel of the park with its unique design and appeal to a broad range of creative play styles. At the same time, it is also clear that we should also broaden the park’s appeal by making it more safe, providing more rest areas, and improving its durability. Maintaining a strong connection to the community is also a major goal.

You can download a copy of the complete final report here:

Joey’s Park Community Input Survey Final Report