About Joey’s Park
0Joey’s Park is a playground facing Cross Street in Belmont, Massachusetts, adjoining the Winn Brook Elementary School and Town of Belmont athletic fields. Built in 1989, it memorializes Joey O’Donnell, a former Winn Brook student who passed away in the fall of 1986 after a long battle with cystic fibrosis.
The concept for Joey’s Park came from a group of his friends, then classmates at Chenery Middle School. Wanting to remember Joey’s fighting spirit, they organized a series of walk-a-thon and other efforts, culminating in a week-long “community build” project in September 1989.
Joey’s Park captures young Joey’s fun-loving and open spirit. Designed by Leathers Associates of Ithaca, New York, the playground has invited children to come and explore for over two decades. Many of us who grew up with Joey have now had the opportunity to play with our own children in the park.
Today the equipment at Joey’s Park is quickly approaching the end of its useful life. A safety inspection in the fall of 2011 uncovered structural issues. Although the town was able to reopen the park after making some modifications, it is time to start thinking about what the park will be for the next generations of children.
Friends of Joey’s Park is currently working on that vision, and we welcome you to join us.